Hosting the Spring 2023 Race To Root Flag Submission Page

Race to Root is a local capture the flag competition created and hosted by Jake Keenan at Tennessee Tech University. Being a previous participant in the event, I was happy to allocate some resources to host the flag submission page. I took this as an opportunity to become the system administrator for an essential service to this event. I was able to keep this page available for several weeks as Jake worked on and set up the webpage, and finally I was pleased to see that there were no issues with the website's availability during the competition. I provided a virtual machine and networking infrastructure to host the site, I also made use of a reverse proxy in pfsense to allow this to be hosted on a subdomain of my primary website, and finally I also set up a TLS/SSL certificate to secure any input on the website as it was a publicly available page with inputs. Overall, this was a very positive experience for me as it allowed me to provide a service for a cool event as well as to gain some realistic experience of ensuring the availability of the resources that were allocated for that service over an extended period of time.  

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